Monthly Archives: January 2016

Lobby Day

Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners
Virginia Affiliate of the American College of Nurse Midwives
Virginia Association of Clinical Nurse Specialists
Virginia Association of Nurse Anesthetists


Tuesday, February 2, 2016

9:00 am to 10:00 am
3rd Floor East Conference Room, General Assembly Building (GAB)
910 Capitol Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219
RSVP to Kevin Brigle
Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners
We are scheduling small group visits with legislators both before and after this breakfast event. When you RSVP to Kevin Brigle, let us know if you will be available to participate in these visits.

Fredericksburg Regional VCNP meeting minutes from 1/11/16

There will be no regular meeting in February.  Instead we will be having a fabulous gathering on 2/20/16 from 11am-1 pm at the Idlewild Clubhouse (2280 Idlewild Blvd, Fredericksburg VA 22401).  NO business meeting, just a chance to get together, relax, chat, network and have post-holiday fun!  Bring a new member! Bring a student! Bring your great ideas for the Fredericksburg VCNP 2016 year to share!!

Catered hot and cold food will be provided, casual dress.

Sign up to attend the VCNP state conference at the Homestead in Hot Springs VA 3/9-12/16.

There will be a board meeting for VCNP officers at 6:30 on 1/27/16 at Poppy Hill in Fredericksburg.

Treatment for IBS discussion was presented by Dr Jack Huang, gastroenterologist.

Submitted 1/18/16 JPSF

Updates from the Richmond Region

Updates from the Richmond Region

We’ve had a very busy fall here in the Richmond Region!!!

On October 17th the Richmond Region held the 11th Annual Pharmacology Conference. This has been an

outstanding service project for all NPs in the state as all were invited to attend.

We had the following topics and speakers:

Updates on antibiotics by Dr. James Brooks

Dermatology by Lynne McElroy, NP

Non-insulin Management of Type II DM by Dr. Sonja Fredrickson

Safe Prescribing Practices of Narcotics by Cynthia Straub, NP

Anxiolytics by Sean Convoy, DNP

Newest Treatments in Hepatitis C by Cynthia Solomon, NP

This was an excellent conference enabling NPs to obtain 6.25 pharmacology CEs.

We had our legislative Reception at Old City Bar on 10/20/15. It was hosted by Kevin Brigle,

Government Relations Chair, for the Richmond Region. The room was jam packed with several RNs,

NPs, and legislators. It was very effective in meeting our legislators and updating them on what we

would like to see in healthcare moving forward and what is needed to improve patient access to care.

We placed two billboards on route 195 and route 64 west honoring nurse practitioners for the work

they do on week of the NP, November 9-13th .

Lastly, we have 2 dinner meetings per month, 1 each month during the holidays. We have raised funds

so far for the American Cancer Society, Multiple Sclerosis, and we are currently raising funds for

Crossover Healthcare ministries.