Monthly Archives: May 2017

Fredericksburg Region meeting minutes 4/10/17

We had a presentation by Cynthia Smith, DNP from Renal Consultants on Veltassa.

Our board members elected in March to a 2 year term are:

President: Cherie Wright

President elect:  Danielle Chellapoo

Secretary: Piper Schlesser-Foresman

Treasurer: Tiffany Simons

Past president: Michelle Porthouse

Gov Relations:  Cathy Duncan

Membership:  Karen Hlywa

Public Relations:  Lisa Keel

Nominations: Delisa Showers

State Conference : Linda Hazelgren

Programs: Brenda Crum

Local Conference Committee:  Cherie Wright and Timmye Ross


Our local conference is set for 5/5/17 at the Fick Center 7:30am arrival with conference 8am until around 1:30pm.

The CEs for the conference are 3.5, with 1.75 for pharmacology to equal 5.25 total!

Linda will compare food choices from Wegmans vs Panera vs Eileen’s.

Empowerhouse will be our charity (philanthropy project this spring)

Piper will bring the banner and tablecloths for all the tables

Update on legislative news:  We are still working on independent authority.

Discussion was held again about the pros and cons of certificate of attendance for meetings vs CE vs dinner

Next meeting May 8 on Xarelto.

Submitted 5/11/17 JPSF