VCNP Blue Ridge Region
Bring an NP friend!
Next business meeting will be Tuesday, November 8 at 6PM in the Roanoke Valley
Location TBD
Email or Text Blue Ridge Region President Dr. Judy Jenks DNP, FNP-BC
Encourage your Colleagues to Join us!
Here is the New Member Join VCNP link
VCNP Membership Dues!
Renew by Friday!
If you have not renewed your VCNP Membership Dues by the end of the day on September 30, Emails and Correspondence will Automatically Stop!
Stay with us!
Here is the Membership Renewal Link
Where: 622 North Restaurant and Wine Bar, 622 North Main St Blacksburg
Sponsored Dinner Topic: Migraine Treatment Qulipta and Ubrelv
6:00 PM Biz Meeting
6:30 Program
RSVP by Sept 7
Attached is a letter from Dr. Colin Greene, Virginia State Health Commissioner, which was distributed to practitioners across the Commonwealth as well as to several state medical associations and organizations.
This information is also available on the VDH Resources for Health Care Professionals web page.
The 2023 VCNP Winter Board of Directors Meeting will be held virtually on Saturday, January 21. Board members will receive additional details by email and the Board packets the week of the meeting.
The 2022 VCNP Fall Board of Directors meeting will be held on Saturday, September 24 at Hilton Short Pump in Henrico. Board members will be contacted directly with meeting specifics and will receive the Board book the week of the meeting.