Monthly Archives: March 2024

3/7/24 Fredericksburg Region Meeting minutes

May 9 will feature a guest speaker on human trafficking and this meeting will be open to ALL NPs. It will be held at 6 Bears and a Goat off of Rt 17 north.

Video and poster for the upcoming VCNP conference was discussed.

The conference basket from our region is a “Balance Basket”- and has yoga and exercise items as well as sweet treats and cute sayings and signage regarding health. So cute! Thanks to Rachel for assembling it and thanks to Nicole for bringing it to the conference!

It is time to think about a legislative meet and greet again. In the past, this has been held at the Moss clinic and well attended by our legislators, senators and local mayor. We hope to get the word out to ALL NPs and CRNAs who would benefit from attending and letting the legislators knowing what our key points and challenges are in this healthcare climate. Ashley, our new Government Relations rep is willing to take this on and will be supported by those who organized it in the past.

HB 971 passed the house and the senate. Waiting for Governor Younkin to sign for it to pass.

A state level VCNP member wants to be admitted to our FB page. She is from Commonwealth PR and is asking to be involved in case our FB administrator officers leave suddenly. We have 3 administrators of our page. We started our page to be able to get information out to our regional members. No support is needed at this time, but we can contact her if needed in the future.

Submitted 3/9/24 JPSF