- The February NP holiday gathering in Idlewild was fun and relaxing. It was good to see everyone who attended!
- The VCNP conference will be at Williamsburg next year.
- Our regional local Spring Conference for 2017 was discussed: Friday vs Saturday vs Sunday for accessibility and good turnout was discussed. Timmye, Lisa, Cherie and Michelle will get together to discuss logistics.
- We discussed several ideas for philanthropy for our local VCNP group to help a non-profit organization and have a focused interest for our donation. Robin offered to coordinate an email effort to get feedback for ideas and organize them to present them to the group.
- Although we had discussed changing minutes to every other month, we now have sponsors for each month through July, so we will be meeting monthly.
- The dinner was at Bravo in Central Park and the speaker was Barbara Mercado, MD on women’s health issues and genetic testing she provides in her office.
submitted 5/2/16 JPSF