2018 VCNP Awards: An Opportunity to Recognize an NP Who Inspires You

VCNP 2018 Awards Call for Nominations 

DUE February 2, 2018 

The VCNP is accepting nominations for the 2018 awards. The awards will be announced and presented to the recipients at the VCNP Conference in March. The awards available are:

  • The Distinguished NP Award
  • The Founder’s Award
  • The Education Award
  • The NP Advocate Award

All nominations must be received by February 2, 2018. The nominees must be a VCNP member in good standing. All members nominated must submit a letter of nomination describing how the nominee meets the purpose outlined for the award, a CV or Resume and supportive documentation are required by the VCNP member. All applications will be reviewed by the VCNP Nominations and Awards Committee. Final selections for the awards will be made by the Committee.


Education Award

This award is to honor a member who has demonstrated outstanding contributions to Nurse Practitioners in the areas of education and patient care. Nominees should demonstrate excellent initiative in one or more of the following categories: teaching and scholarship, student preceptorship, patient teaching, or community involvement.

Distinguished NP Award

This award is to honor a member who has exemplified or made contributions to the role of Nurse Practitioner. Nominees should demonstrate excellence and initiative in one or more of the following categories: clinical practice, research, leadership, and contributions to the VCNP at both local and state levels.

Founder’s Award  

This award is to honor those who have founded, pioneered, or made significant historical contributions to the shaping of the organization of the Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners. This award will be presented on an as needed basis, but no more often than annually.

NP Advocate Award

This award is designed to honor an individual in the VCNP or the community at large for their contributions to the advancement of the practice of Nurse Practitioners. This nominee does not need to be a VCNP member. This person may be an NP, physician, hospital administrator, legislator, or anyone whom has assisted in the advancement of the NP or the NP profession.

Please Forward All Nominations to

 Amy Sales at amy.sales@easterassociates.com

Any Questions may be submitted to Becky Compton, Nominations and Awards Committee chair at rmcompton@gmail.com