All posts by Fredericksburg

Fredericksburg Region meeting minutes 2/27/25

PR report- Gear store is open. Go to the VCNP website to access NP wear.

Requesting volunteers to get together a basket for the VCNP conference this year.

Government relations- Lobby day was a success with 5 participants from our local area in attendance. Still working on pay parity with midwives now, and an anti violence bill.

Submitted 3/4/25 JPSF

Fredericksburg region VCNP meeting minutes

Our holiday gathering will be at Basilico New York Deli on 12/12/24. The address is 7013 Harrison Rd Fredericksburg VA 22407. Bring an NP colleague, even if they are not a member of the VCNP (yet)! Bring an NP student! Bring a prospective NP student! All are welcome. Dinner will be pay for your own meal. No sponsorship or formal meeting at this gathering. See you there!

submitted 11/14/24 JPSF

Fredericksburg Region meeting minutes 10/10/24

We discussed the state requirement of a service project for NP week. We had discussed several different local options as we have done yearly. With the impact we all feel after Hurricane Helene devastated so much of western VA, NC and West VA, we wanted to help those people dealing with the aftermath of the storm. The Health Wagon, based in Southwest VA is owned and run by NPs. It began 42 years ago by a medical missionary and has evolved into 4 mobile van units, stationary clinics, and pharmacy services and offers free care for the population. They have Starlink on their vans, and Rachel was able to talk to them while they were in Damascus VA. The need for supplies, food, vaccines and volunteers is great. We collected some basic supplies, signed a card and voted to include a check from our region for $2000.00 to help wherever it can be used. Rachel and Ruthie plan to bring our collected supplies, the donated checks, and themselves! to volunteer with the Health Wagon.

November meeting 11/7/24 on pharmacogenetics

December holiday gathering at Basilico on Harrison Road.

January meeting on HRT Submitted 10/12/24 JPSF

Fredericksburg Regional VCNP meeting min 8/8/24

Talk sponsored by Axsome on medication Auvelity (Dextromethorphan and Bupropion) ER tabs 45mg/105mg for fast symptom relief of major depressive disorder in adults. Isabelle Creed can be reached at or 929-884-2882 or

Legislative reception is coming together for 9/16/24 at the Moss Free Clinic. Contact Ashley if you want to help with planning, setting up or cleaning up at the end.

Hishani needs to step down as Conference Planning officer from our region as she assumes the role of regional president next year. Anyone interested can let her know and hear more about the role.

Submitted 8/17/24 JPSF

Fredericksburg VA regional meeting minutes 7/18/24

Speaker sponsored by Johnson and Johnson on strategies for the use of DOACs in NVAF and VTE for patients with obesity. Adopt pathways in your EHR for anticoagulation for NVAF and VTE prophylaxis. DOACS vs Warfarin. Anticoagulation stewardship- use your EHR to find patients who should have or qualify for anticoagulation. Consider a capstone project and consider working with Devona Ross (J&J rep-Sr Health System Manager Capitol Region email: dross11@its.jnjcom) for CHF/DVT/PE/VTE/NVAF.

Ashley is working on putting the invitations out and organizing our legislative meeting. Potential dates are 9/9 or 9/16/24. Kathy Delaney at Moss Free Clinic still needs to be contacted. Local members who volunteered to assist are: Cherie Wright, Timmes Ross, Rachel Farrar, Sophia (Student), Justin (Student), Hishani Perera.

We sent our philanthropy sponsor check in for “Night of 1000 pies” to benefit Empowerhouse on 8/24/24 and got 4 complimentary tickets. Crystal, Kelly, Robin and Vanessa signed up to go.

Tiffany Simons, our regional treasurer is in need of another signee on the account. Piper Foresman was nominated by Cherie Wright for this duty and Kelly Rollins seconded it. Tiffany will find out how to go about adding Piper and get that done at PNC bank.

Joan attended the state membership meeting and reported they are considering offering a discount to people who select auto renewal, and other creative ideas to increase membership.

Our next meeting will be at La Petite on August 8, 2024.

Submitted 7/19/24 JPSF

Fredericksburg Region VCNP meeting minutes 6/13/24

Dr Ashte Collins, nephrologist and Associate Professor of GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences presented a comprehensive talk on CKD and it’s link with CAD, CHF, and early mortality. Farxiga and Lokelma from Astra Zeneca were presented with time for discussion and questions.

There was a state board meeting. The focus this year is on increasing membership, becoming more financially stable as an organization and NP student engagement. Our local NP student Sophia was selected as our Student Ambassador to the VCNP.

7/18/24 is our next meeting- location TBD

Our next philanthropy suggestion was to support the Night of 1,000 pies again which benefits Empowerhouse, a local shelter and advocacy center for women and children who are domestic violence victims. This year it will be at the Silkmill downtown! Volunteer pie makers are needed. tiffany suggested a $600.00 donation- Flower Power level which also gives us 4 tickets. It is $125.00 for a single ticket. Timmye approved the motion and Kelly seconded.

On 5/9/24 at Six Bears and a Goat, Michele Trampe, founder and executive director of the Central Virginia Justice Initiative gave a talk on the Signs of Human Trafficking. She also encouraged us to get more involved in political leadership through the website: Healing A $150.00 honorarium for the speaker towards her organization was suggested, Tiffany seconded.

PR- Nicole stated this is the 50th anniversary of the VCNP. We should have a celebration of sorts to gather and celebrate all of the accomplishments of our members over the years and the VCNP in Virginia!

Legislative conference in September was suggested. Local legislators will need to be contacted. Rachel will reach out to Ashley to see if she can organize this and to discuss what aspects of the planning and implementing of the event that other people can help her handle.

Submitted 6/14/24 JPSF

4/11/24 Fredericksburg Region VCNP meeting minutes

The talk at Renatos was regarding PCSK9 inhibitors like Repatha and Praluent. these meds pull cholesterol (LDL) from the bloodstream and can lower LDL by 50-60%.

The VCNP reminds us that we are all perfectly positioned and created to be involved in political leadership for the betterment of all. Please consider getting involved in committees, local government, school boards, and beyond to influence healthcare and national leadership in a positive way. Visit to learn more.

Our next meeting 5/9/24 is at 6 Bears and a Goat: Recognizing signs of human trafficking.

Submitted 4/13/24 JPSF

3/7/24 Fredericksburg Region Meeting minutes

May 9 will feature a guest speaker on human trafficking and this meeting will be open to ALL NPs. It will be held at 6 Bears and a Goat off of Rt 17 north.

Video and poster for the upcoming VCNP conference was discussed.

The conference basket from our region is a “Balance Basket”- and has yoga and exercise items as well as sweet treats and cute sayings and signage regarding health. So cute! Thanks to Rachel for assembling it and thanks to Nicole for bringing it to the conference!

It is time to think about a legislative meet and greet again. In the past, this has been held at the Moss clinic and well attended by our legislators, senators and local mayor. We hope to get the word out to ALL NPs and CRNAs who would benefit from attending and letting the legislators knowing what our key points and challenges are in this healthcare climate. Ashley, our new Government Relations rep is willing to take this on and will be supported by those who organized it in the past.

HB 971 passed the house and the senate. Waiting for Governor Younkin to sign for it to pass.

A state level VCNP member wants to be admitted to our FB page. She is from Commonwealth PR and is asking to be involved in case our FB administrator officers leave suddenly. We have 3 administrators of our page. We started our page to be able to get information out to our regional members. No support is needed at this time, but we can contact her if needed in the future.

Submitted 3/9/24 JPSF

Fredericksburg Region meeting minutes

Speaker on Genetic testing at Renato’s restaurant.

Consider an unsponsored meeting in May with Michelle Trampe of Central Virginia Justice Association on human trafficking. Check cost of venues considering this will be unsponsored.

Nicole and Carrie will be attending the VCNP conference possibly with Hishani and Angela.

Tiffany gave treasurers report.

Nicole gave member report, we have 51 members.

Government relations rep Ashley reported the HB to have NPs solely under the BON was heard today. Autonomous practice switching permanently to a 2 year requirement.

Next meeting will be at Brock’s with Dr Farmakis of Nephrology Associates.

submitted 2/10/24 JPSF

Fredericksburg Region VCNP Meeting minutes 1/11/24

President Elect- Hishani Perera

President- Rachel Farrar

Past president- Linda Hazelgren

Secretary- Piper Schlesser-Foresman

Treasurer- Tiffany Simmons

Membership- Joan Carter

Public Relations- Nicole Brooks

Gov relations-

Our philanthropy this year started with a socks and briefs donation to Micah Ecumenical Ministries was well received and appreciated for the Cold Weather Shelter and daily needs.

The 50th Anniversary of the VCNP is this year. The VCNP conference will be 3/13-16/24 in WIlliamsburg. There will be a gala to celebrate.

MWHC will host the Virginia Heart and Vascular Institute Symposium of cardiology updates will be held at the Fredericksburg Convention Center 2/10/24 from 7am-2pm. Cost is $50. Students $25. 6 CME credits will be given, and includes breakfast, lunch and afternoon wine bar.

The Tidewater VCNP region is hosting a virtual pop up NP swag shop. Be on the lookout 1/24/24 for your NP swag!

Next meetings: 2/8/24 on Genetic Testing 3/7/24 on Kidney disease

Submitted 1/16/24 JPSF