All posts by Fredericksburg

Fredericksburg region VCNP board meeting 7/12/17

Membership and recruiting was discussed.  We have some new members but still know the majority of NPs in this region are not involved.  At the state level, there is grassroots movement for membership and involvement for full practice authority.

The legislative meeting will be held 9/11/17.  Cathy will ask Moss Free Clinic if we can use their space again this year.  We will make a donation as a gesture of thanks.  We will provide finger foods: shrimp cocktail, cheese and crackers, veggie tray and humus will be supplied, drinks will be tea and water.  The legislators don’t drink alcohol at these events, so we will not buy that this year.

We will invite the mayor, Mary Katherine Greenlaw, some of our physician supporters and send out an email to the NPs at the hospital to invite them.  We will send evites to legislators, delegates and senator.  Paper invites will follow to those who don’t respond, followed by a phone call to confirm they got the invite and whether or not they can make it.

We need to emphasize the impact of NPs on physician practices, the benefits and cost saving to them as well as patient satisfaction.  The lawyer representing the VCNP has voiced this to the Med society of VA well so far.  MDs will also be getting vignettes from NPs affected by their lack of independent practice.   Our talking points are on the VCNP website.

The VCNP annual conference will be in Reston this year, and space is limited, so the offerings will also be limited.

Danielle had to step down as president elect.  Timmye is willing to take over conference committee next year, but the position will be posted to see if anyone else is interested.  Linda is willing to be  president elect, but that position will also be posted.

Membership is considering consolidating membership cycles to once a year.  They are considering a 1 time 18 month off-cycle fee to get everyone on the same cycle to decrease cost and confusion.

Financial- Tiffany gave our local treasury report.  The VCNP contract with Easter was renewed.

The Night of 1000 Pies fundraiser for Empowerhouse is Saturday 8/26/17 7-10 pm at Dr O’Grady’s home.  Tiffany, Cherie, Linda and Cathy are interested in attending.  An email to membership will go out to see if anyone else is interested.

Fredericksburg will host a local CE conference again in 2019.  The MWHC venue was nice, Friday might not be a good day to have it.  We discussed having participants “pay” with a donation to the charity at the time of registration so they are invested in coming.

Linda circulated the list of possible speakers to see if anyone felt strongly about any of them so she can report back to the state conference committee.


Submitted 7/13/17 JPSF

Frederickburg region meeting minutes 7/10/17

Our philanthropy project, Empowerhouse , is hosting a fund-raising ” pie social”.  Groups or individuals can give donations which are designated by pie names.  Our region will sponsor a “Whoopie Pie” level donation for $500.00.  We will get four free tickets, and additional tickets can be purchased for $75 a piece.

The local board will meet to plan the events for the next 12 months at Orofino’s on 7/12/17 at 6:30pm.

Linda shared an update on the state conference.  She is interested in participant info, so get her names of speakers you’ve liked in the past.

Membership is 76.

Award and nominations will be forthcoming.  We will get together to brainstorm and submit some nominations.

Donna Bowser at Moss Free Clinic is retiring.


Submitted 7/13/17 JPSF


Fredericksburg Region VCNP meeting minutes 6/12/17

The state conference is now accepting names for speakers for the next conference.  Contact them with ideas.  The conference will be in Reston VA 3/8-3/11/17.

We now have 76 members, an increased amount of students and new members.  Some NPs have been lost due to not knowing when their dues are.  The VCNP is good about contacting members by email several times to remind them they are coming due, so make sure your contact info is up to date with the VCNP.  There was discussion re: annual renewal.

July meeting is on Linzess at The Mercantile.

August discussion- should we have a meeting or take the month off?  We will need to plan for our legislative meeting in September, so we will plan to have a meeting.

Legislative update.  We are going for full practice authority after much work and collaboration with like-minded groups.

We will align our local nominations with the state nurse nominations so we can get some great names in for nominations!

Treasurer’s report was given.

Philanthropy- Empowerhouse has been our project for the spring.  We collected donations during our local conference.  There is also a “Night of 1000 pies” being held to support Empowerhouse on 8/26/17.  It will be at Dr Rosemary O’Grady’s home and they are looking for sponsorship.  Our VCNP could sponsor an “alamode” level for $250 and includes 2 tickets, or a Whoopie level of $500 and get 4 tickets,  An email will be sent to see who would be interested in attending.

Jessica thanked us for the flowers and card.

Next local Board meeting to be decided between 6/27 or 7/12 at Orofino or Legume.

Submitted 6/16/17 JPSF

Fredericksburg Region meeting minutes 4/10/17

We had a presentation by Cynthia Smith, DNP from Renal Consultants on Veltassa.

Our board members elected in March to a 2 year term are:

President: Cherie Wright

President elect:  Danielle Chellapoo

Secretary: Piper Schlesser-Foresman

Treasurer: Tiffany Simons

Past president: Michelle Porthouse

Gov Relations:  Cathy Duncan

Membership:  Karen Hlywa

Public Relations:  Lisa Keel

Nominations: Delisa Showers

State Conference : Linda Hazelgren

Programs: Brenda Crum

Local Conference Committee:  Cherie Wright and Timmye Ross


Our local conference is set for 5/5/17 at the Fick Center 7:30am arrival with conference 8am until around 1:30pm.

The CEs for the conference are 3.5, with 1.75 for pharmacology to equal 5.25 total!

Linda will compare food choices from Wegmans vs Panera vs Eileen’s.

Empowerhouse will be our charity (philanthropy project this spring)

Piper will bring the banner and tablecloths for all the tables

Update on legislative news:  We are still working on independent authority.

Discussion was held again about the pros and cons of certificate of attendance for meetings vs CE vs dinner

Next meeting May 8 on Xarelto.

Submitted 5/11/17 JPSF


Fredericksburg Regional Board Meeting 1/30/17

1)The post-holiday gathering is reserved for 2/11/17 from 11-2 at the Idlewild Clubhouse.  Michelle will look into Basilico’s/Wegman’s to cater.  Advertising the canoli and fruit tray from Wegman’s and having Bellini’s was discussed.  Michelle will sent an invite to all Fredericksburg members.

2)The Fredericksburg conference is set for 5/5/17 at the Fick Center 7:30-3.  (7:30 registration, 8am start time, 1 pm wrap-up, clean-up and clear-out by 3pm).  By the end of January, Cherie aims to have all the info for the 5 presentations.

3)VCNP state conference.  Laura P will be asked to attend the board meeting at the conference.  Timmye is attending and will purchase the basket for raffle.  $150 allowance was discussed for wine and dine themed basket representing our region.

4)Regional officers change in April.  Cherie is president, Linda considering president-elect.  All positions are up for anyone who wants to have a leadership role.

5)Michele will look into the constant contact availability through the VCNP for Karen and Brenda to send out meeting and membership info.  Alexis M, office manager at VCNP has been helpful and informative.

6)We support government relations efforts going for full NP practice authority.  We plan to include talking points from the VCNP at our local conference.

7)Philanthropy project for the spring/summer.  We discussed the various choices:  Empowerhouse, Micah Ministries, Christian Charities, Hope House.  We will vote on and chose our next recipient at the next local regional meeting.


VCNP Fredericksburg Region meeting minutes


We have 4 speakers lined up for our May local conference.  Dr. John Mclaughlan- Mindfulness; N.P. Elizabeth Wheatley-Mood disorders, treating bipolar disorder in primary care; Dr. William Anderson- Safe prescribing of Opiods for the PCP; Dr Fortunato- Why you need a colorectal surgeon.

Other possibilities to provide a lengthier conference were- Dr Franchi or Chiang of ID and/or Michele Earnest- Alternative medicine.

Our site has been granted:  The Fick Center, Auditoriums 1,2 and 3 are ours 5/5/17 from 8 am (onsite registration to start at 7:30am) to wrap up by 3pm.  Attendance approximated at 70, round tables of 7, AV equipment requested.

The VCNP state conference enrollment is open now.

Discussion of a holiday gathering either 2/11 or 2/15/17.  Michele will look into the Clubhouse at Idlewild for availability again this year.

Submitted 12/20/16 JPSF

Fredericksburg Region VCNP meeting 11/14/16

Happy nurse practitioner week! 11/13-11/19/16 is NP week, Congratulations to all of us!

Tiffany presented our treasury report.  Recent expenses included the board meeting dinner, and the banner which Hashani had made.  It looks great with the VCNP emblem.

We received $262 in dues.

Karen from membership stated that 11 people were dropped of the member list due to not paying their membership dues.  Please go on the VCNP website and check on your membership status if you are not sure when to pay your dues.

CVS minute clinic is hiring in the greater DC area.  Contact Piper if you are interested.

Mark Cole has invitations out for town hall meetings and legislative updates for November and December.  Contact a board member if you did not get an email invitation and would like to go!

Speaker was on the drug Alinia to treat Giardia, Cryptosporidium and C Difficile.

Submitted 11/16/16 JPSF

Frederisckburg Region VCNP meeting

10/10/16 meeting in Central Park.

Update from the Board of Directors meeting:  We are pursuing another bill for full practice authority again.  We are working at taking away the requirement for collaborating MD language.  Several regions are doing legislative meetings this fall.  The Fredericksburg region decided against this since we met with our legislators at our meeting last fall and such an enthusiastic turnout.  Contact the legislators you know personally to discuss what an NP is and does, and how this independent practice bill will benefit all Virginians.

Our lobbyist is Richard Grossman.

Treasurers report given.  We receive $25 annually for each member.  We now have 78 members.

We discussed and decided on a $500 donation to Mary’s Shelter along with the gift cards and supplies that were donated and collected tonight.  One more email reminder will go out for those who still want to contribute and then Karen and Michelle will deliver them to the shelter in late October or early November.

Cards were signed for Jessica, and flowers will be sent to her home now that she is finished with the final stage of her surgery.

The next meeting is 11/14/16.

We discussed the local conference at the Fick Center on 5/5/17.  The hospitality house will be giving Piper the final yes or no on use of the facility late October or early November.  A full day conference was discussed.  Suggestions for speakers and topics were suggested:

Dr William Anderson on pain management.  Michelle will talk to Dr Anderson.

Dr John Mclaughlin on mindfulness.  VIVA NPs will talk to Dr Mclaughlin

A social worker on professional boundaries.  Trish will talk to the social worker.

Infectious Disease MD on a topic.  Michelle will talk to Dr Chiang or Dr Franchi.

Dr Fortunato on colon cancer.  Tiffany will talk to Dr Fortunato.

Ideas, speakers and topics will need to be finalized by email before the next meeting 11/14/16, so outlines, goals and objectives can be sent in to the board for the CEs.

Submitted 10/12/16 JPSF

Fredericksburg Region VCNP meeting 9/12/16

Attendees were updated on the board meeting discussions.

A banner with a white backround and black writing with the blue VCNP logo was brought up for decision.  It was discussed and was unanimous to go with these colors for the banner we will take to event to represent our group.

We decided on Mary’s Shelter as our philanthropic interest this fall.  A list of supplies needed was emailed to the group and will be sent again by Karen.  A who attend the October meeting were asked to bring a supply, or a gift card to Walmart or Target.  Our VCNP Region will also pitch in money depending how many donations we have.  If the turnout for supplies is poor, we can hold over the collection until November.

Piper updated the group on the availability of the Fick Center for our May 5, 2017 local conference.  The Hospitality Center of Mary Washington Hospital Center books the Fick Center, so an application for use of the space was filled out and sent to them.  We heard back that we can use the space as long as a MWHC function does not want to use the same space at that time.  The Hospitality department will let us know by October or November if we are superceded.

Flowers will be sent by the group for Jessica, who works at Minute Clinic and sustained a traumatic injury this summer.  She is now home and progressing well.

Programs for October and November are set.

22 states have full practice authority.  We are still fighting for ours.

We have 83 members presently.

The State Conference still has lecture slots open if you want to speak or know someone who would do a good job speaking on a pediatric, mental health, or GYN topic.

A partial video was presented on Mary’s Shelter and sent via email to the group.

Michelle P will take over administration of our VCNP Facebook page.

A presentation from Akina Pharmacy on compounding medications they provide, included lists of commonly prescribed compounded formulations.  They are located in Chantilly VA.

Submitted 9/19/16- JPSF


Fredericksburg VCNP board meeting 8/16/16

Discussed service project/community event:  Breast cancer walk is 10/8- does that conflict with pharmacology day at Lewis Ginter Gardens?  Memory walk for Alzheimer’s is 10/15.  Fairy Godmother project gets together every 2 months to get meals together and cook in a group setting.  Mary’s shelter can always use donations of supplies.

Karen Hlywa will call Mary’s shelter to see what they need.  We will collect supplies at the September and October local meetings, letting members know gift cards are also welcome.  Our VCNP will also donate a one time check with the supplies.  The women’s forum will be held 3/2017 toward the end of the month.  We could have local NPs there(with our banner) to hand out pamphlets “what is an NP?” and consider raffling off a basket.


Hishani is working on our banner.  We are requesting a horizontal banner 72×24 inches for $69.00.  It will say VCNP Fredericksburg Region and have the VCNP logo on one side.


Brenda has meetings set up for September and October, consider taking a month off around the holidays.

Consider another “post-holiday” party like last year at the Idlewild clubhouse in January or February.


Discuss local conference in early May, a Friday, like May 5.  Cherie offered to do the CEU’s.  Piper will call the Fick center to see if we can use it for the event, and will report back at the next meeting.


Attendees:  Michelle Porthouse, Sherry Pemberton, Linda Hazelgren, Timmes Ross, Lisa Keel, Brenda Crum, Karen Hlywa, Cherie Wright, Tiffany Simmons, Piper Schlesser.