All posts by Fredericksburg

Fredericksburg VCNP meeting minutes 7/11/16

Introduction for new faces.

Looking for a new volunteer for the VCNP conference committee.  Linda Hazelgren is in that position now.

Looking for board members for next year.

Discuss ideas for community service projects:  T shirt “breast cancer survivor” example, memory walk, any walk.

The board will choose a service project at the meeting next month.

Discuss the Spring 2017 local conference.

We have 79 members now.

Discuss legislative reception in the fall.  Do it this year although we had one last year for the election year, or skip? Voted to skip this year, plan for next year.

Cindy Fagan’s email from the state asking if we want to join the VNA.  We voted against joining.

The Veterans Affairs wants to give full practice authority for all V.A. NPs.  They are accepting comments on the website until July 25.

Dues- please submit for this rotation by Sept 1.

Treasurer gave report.

Public relations chair discussed philanthropy ideas for our group.

August 8, next meeting  on Hereditary cancers at the Market.

Speaker regarding the Zoll Life Vest.


Submitted: 8/17/16 JPSF

Fredericksburg VCNP meeting minutes 6/13/16

The treasurer gave report.

The next program in July will be on life vests.

Mark Coles has retired, Cindy Fagan has taken over.  She provided talking points and a timeline for an October legislative reception hand outs to the government relations committee person.

PR- Nothing to report.

We now have 78 members.

Be sure to check out the VCNP website.  You can get information on where the various bills stand in the legislative process.  It is a good resource for form templates also.

The meeting at Renato’s featured Dr Maheshwari on Hepatitis C.

Submitted 6/15/16 JPSF


Fredericksburg Region Meeting Minutes 5/9/16

Treasurer gave report.

Timmye, who represented our region on the last State Conference Committee, is looking for a volunteer to replace her and participate in planning the next state conference.

There is ongoing discussion regarding participating in or contributing to a philanthropic cause:

May is mental health month.  There is a walk this Saturday that we could participate in, but with only a few days notice, we could not have a table sponsored.

There is a lifestyle expo at the mall coming up.

There is the Out of the Darkness walk for suicide prevention coming up.

Mary’s shelter for unwed teenage mothers was again mentioned.

The YMCA is organizing bags for kids going in to foster care, we could help or contribute to that.

Robin will organize a small group to propose a few ideas and survey the group to decide on one project this year.

Hishani offered to research purchasing a banner with Fredericksburg VCNP and the logo on it.

There was discussion about getting handouts from the VCNP regarding the NP role.  These could be distributed at the even we are attending/sponsoring.

Pharmaceutical dinner was at La Petite Auberge and sponsored by Diglegis.


submitted 5/16/16 JPSF

Fredericksburg Regional Meeting Minutes 4/11/2016

  • The February NP holiday gathering in Idlewild was fun and relaxing.  It was good to see everyone who attended!
  • The VCNP conference will be at Williamsburg next year.
  • Our regional local Spring Conference for 2017 was discussed:  Friday vs Saturday vs Sunday for accessibility and good turnout was discussed.  Timmye, Lisa, Cherie and Michelle will get together to discuss logistics.
  • We discussed several ideas for philanthropy for our local VCNP group to help a non-profit organization and have a focused interest for our donation.  Robin offered to coordinate an email effort to get feedback for ideas and organize them to present them to the group.
  • Although we had discussed changing minutes to every other month, we now have sponsors for each month through July, so we will be meeting monthly.
  • The dinner was at Bravo in Central Park and the speaker was Barbara Mercado, MD on women’s health issues and genetic testing she provides in her office.
submitted 5/2/16 JPSF