Category Archives: General News

HB 1245 is on the move!

HB 1245 was reported out of House Health, Welfare and Institutions and will be heard on the House floor next week.

YOU DID THIS!You contacted your legislators, and they listened! Thank you!

Don’t stop now! We still need you to connect with your representatives.

As HB 1245 moves throughout the legislative process, VCNP will continue to send requests for you to contact legislators.

Please continue to share these messages with colleagues, students, patients, family, friends – all NP supporters!

Nursing Preceptor Incentive Program (NPIP)

General Assembly established the Nursing Preceptor Incentive Program (NPIP) to provide financial incentives for practitioners who serve as otherwise uncompensated preceptors for APRN students to help increase access to care, address the primary care shortage, handle mental health crises, and manage chronic diseases. All of these factors are crucial in improving the health and wellness of all Virginians.

Thank you for voting!

Thank you for voting in the 2022-2024 VCNP State Executive Committee Election. Voting information was distributed to VCNP members who are eligible to vote and ballot instructions were provided on the VCNP website from November 1 to November 15, 2021. Results will be shared with the Nominations & Awards Committee Chair, Kristen Johnson, for verification, then presented to the VCNP Board of Directors at their January Board meeting. Join us at the 2022 VCNP Annual Conference to welcome in your new leadership at the Friday afternoon membership luncheon!

Thank you for voting, VCNP!

VCNP Lynchburg receives standing ovation

VCNP Lynchburg received a regional proclamation for NP Week 2021. Click below for a picture of regional members and leadership displaying their proclamation, for which they received a standing ovation at the City of Lynchburg Council meeting after the announcement by Mayor Dolan.

Pictured are (L to R) Allison Helgeson, Morgan McDowell, Sybil Bradley-Dallas, Yvette Alexander, and Gabby Crawford.

2021 – 2022 VCNP Strategic Plan – Goals

VCNP Leadership is excited to share the goals that came out of the annual strategic plan process for the 2021-2022 year.

Executive Summary

On June 19, 2021, the Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners (VCNP), the statewide professional organization for all nurse practitioners licensed in Virginia, conducted its annual leadership retreat. More than 35 board members, committee members and others from the association gathered to discuss goals and accompanying strategies and tactics for VCNP’s four core pillars, Government Relations, Membership, Education and Public Relations. During the retreat, participants divided into small groups to review each committee’s SWOT analysis from 2020-2021 and provide feedback and input for the coming year. This information, combined with details of the previous year’s strategic plan, was used to develop VCNP’s 2021-2022 strategic plan. Below is a link to the list of committee goals that came out of those discussions.