Category Archives: All News

Piedmont Region NP Week Celebration

Join us for an evening of food, wine and conversation!

Drawing for a free registration to Pharmfest & Beyond Conference on 1/27/2024 during the event.

This is a night to celebrate you! Nonmembers, students and families are welcome.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023
5:00 pm – 8: 00 pm
Eastwood Winery
2531 Scottsville Road, Charlottesville, VA

Contact Renee Gay at or any member of the leadership team if you have any questions.

SW Region October Business Meeting

Our next Business meeting for the SW Region will be on Wednesday, OCTOBER 25, 2023 at 7 pm. Call in number 888-297-9852 Code 2797691.

We are in our election cycle now. We will be discussing nominations for our region’s President Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. Voting will be held November 1-15.

We need to discuss a Legislative reception to let our state legislators know more about APRNs and the role we play in keeping their constituents healthy.

NP week is in November and we need to discuss ideas for this special week to celebrate!

2024 is VCNP’s 50th Anniversary! We need to update our region’s timeline for the state conference in Williamsburg in March as well as discuss plans for our region’s raffle basket and door prize.

We have a full slate for this meeting and need as many of our members to attend as possible!

Below are the date and call in information:

Wednesday, OCTOBER 25, 2023 at 7 pm. Call in number 888-297-9852 Code 2797691.

Don’t Delay! Explore the 2022 AANP Nurse Practitioner Compensation Report Today!

Given that the average nurse practitioner (NP) is 48 years old — and many NPs are in the early stages of their careers having transitioned from an RN role — negotiating now can pay dividends in the future. The 2022 AANP Nurse Practitioner Compensation Report is a national survey exploring the pay range of NPs. Download it now to explore how peers in your state, clinical focus area and work setting compare in compensation. The report is free to participants and AANP members, and it can be purchased by anyone for a fee.

Piedmont Region August Sponsored Dinner

Date/Time: Wednesday, August 30th @ 6:30 pm

Location: The Local Restaurant, 824 Hinton Avenue, Charlottesville, VA.

Intervene With Jakafi® (ruxolitinib) At the First Sign of Steroid-Refractory Acute and Chronic GVHD – A Real-World, Case-Based Discussion.

Speaker: Karolina Faysman, AOCNP, DNP-C

RSVP by 8/25 at If you have issues registering contact Beth Fantasia at 304-612-7012 or

What APRN designation means to NPs

Earlier this week, the Board of Nursing sent communication about SB 975. We want to clarify what the APRN designation means to you as a nurse practitioner. Advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) is not a new name but rather a term that aligns Virginia’s code with the APRN Consensus Model. This change does not negate, demote or remove the individual’s national licensure, credentials or designation as an NP.

SB 975’s summary states, “Certified nurse midwives, certified registered nurse anesthetists, clinical nurse specialists, and nurse practitioners; designation as advanced practice registered nurses. Changes references to certain practitioners in the Code to advanced practice registered nurse in order to align the Code with the professional designations established by the Consensus Model for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses Regulation established by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.”

In addition to aligning with the APRN Consensus Model & National Council of State Boards of Nursing, this change also helps decrease confusion in Virginia’s regulatory code language that previously designated other advanced practice registered nurses (including CNS, CNM & CRNA) as “nurse practitioners.” 

Per Virginia Code – “Licensed nurse practitioner” means an advanced practice registered nurse who has met the requirements for licensure as stated in Part II (18VAC90-30-60 et seq.) of this chapter. Under the code, one of these requirements is that the nurse practitioner hold a national certification in the category/specialty of their practice and/or meet the requirements of their national certifying body.

“The boards shall license nurse practitioners consistent with their specialty education and certification in the following categories (a two-digit suffix appears on licenses to designate category).” – See 18VAC90-30-70. Categories of licensed nurse practitioners.

VCNP Piedmont Region CEU Event

Transforming Leadership
2 Hour CEU Event

Learn what is holding you back from reaching your professional and personal goals.
Understand that you are a leader even if you don’t have a leader role.
See how your superpowers are also your kryptonite.
Define leadership and what is means to you.
Learn to live life intentionally rather than by default.
Make friends with your Imposter, buckling him/her in the backseat, right next to fear.

Pam Maxson, PhD, PCC, SPHR, Executive and Leadership Coach

Tuesday, June 20, 2023
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
The Center at Belvedere
Learning Center A
540 Belvedere Boulevard, Charlottesville, VA 22901

Dinner will be provided

RSVP by 6/18/2023 to Renee Gay at