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Noteworthy NPs

Congratulations to these VCNP members on their recent accomplishments!

Tidewater Region member Deborah Gray was selected from over 200 previous U.S. Fulbright faculty scholars and researchers who applied to serve as a U.S. Fulbright Alumni Ambassador. Dr. Gray served as a Fulbright Scholar in 2018 and worked with the University of Botswana and the World Health Organization to expand the number of NPs in Africa and patient access for nursing and midwifery services globally.

Deborah Gray

In an interview with WFXR-TV, Blue Ridge Region president Judy Jenks discussed how a new law taking effect July 1 will change the way people can access medical cannabis in Virginia.  

Judy Jenks

Lynchburg Region member Amy Johnson traveled to Peru in March with Virginia Tech’s VALOR leadership development program. During the two-year program, Amy visited all areas of the state to experience different aspects of the agriculture industry and meet with local, state and federal government officials to discuss policy. Amy’s doctoral work focused on farm safety and mental health concerns in farmers. She will graduate from the program in July.

Amy Johnson

Tidewater Region member Autumn Simmons received a grant from the City of Portsmouth through BBrands and Bloom Co-working for one year of rental assistance for her clinic’s office space. Autumn also received a grant through the Portsmouth Economic Development Authority for a 5K matching grant. Autumn owns Quickcare NP, an online healthcare provider.

Congratulations to the Health Wagon and its 7 NPs who treated double their average number of patients in 2021 and modified its core mission to make treatment of COVID-19 one of its four “pillars of care” along with medical, vision and dental. Southwest Region member Teresa Tyson is the Health Wagon’s president and CEO. Read more in the Bristol Herald Courier.

Teresa Tyson

VCNP Fredericksburg Region Board Meeting 2/17/22.

VCNP conference is March 2-5. Rachel, Nicole and Hishani plan to attend the VCNP conference.
Basket ideas for the conference were discussed. Plan to ask downtown shop Wren and Sparrow to put together a basket. Cost for basket- $150 approved. Timmye will get the basket and Hishani will bring it to the conference.
Dues check received by treasurer.
Dr Fuller died in 2020. Service will be 3/25/22 at St Mary’s. Donations to Scleroderma Foundation for research were requested. $100 donation approved.
2/26/22 Melt the Ice function for black history month. Focusing on Black Health and Wellness. Information regarding Rev Curtis Harris and the program details featuring Dr Joann Harris-Lucas presenting were posted to the VCNP website.

Submitted 2/18/22 JPSF

Holiday Greetings

I hope everyone will have a peaceful and safe holiday season.

“No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted” AESOP

Don’t forget to register for Piedmont Regions’s Annual Pharmfest

  • Jan 28, 2023
  • 7:00 am – 4:30 pm
  • In-person at Omni Hotel Charlottesville
  • Speakers:
    • Ellen Wermter – Sleep/Wake Pharmacology
    • L. Kelley Midkiff – Major Depression and Crisis Management
    • Donna White, Lauren Lam, Stephanie Hannon – Vaccination Updates
    • Debbie Lindsay – Not All That Shakes is Parkison’s
    • Rachel Talbott – Updates in Dermatology Pharmacology
    • Elizabeth Lester – Heart Failure
  • 6 Pharm CEUs
  • $150 members, $200 nonmembers, $95 VCNP student member

11/4/21 Fredericksburg Region VCNP Board Meeting.

Yoga in the park had good attendance, and some new members were there.

We are still looking for a member to fill the open position on the board for President Elect. Please reach out if you feel you would like to learn and support the happenings within the VCNP this year!

Our philanthropy project for the quarter was discussed, many great ideas were shared. We decided to forgo a pharmaceutical dinner and CMEs, and instead, have an NP gathering.

12/2/21 Please join us at Basilico’s on Harrison Road from 6-8pm for a casual gathering, pizza night and to assemble hygiene kits provided by an organization which will go to girls in third world countries.

See the link for more info:

The state meeting will be in person. There is discussion regarding revamping the process to apply for CME’s. There is discussion of having one group to complete the application process for CMEs and one for the state conference.

We have 48 members currently.

Treasury report was given.


Submitted 11/28/21 JPSF

2021 – 2022 VCNP Strategic Plan – Goals

VCNP Leadership is excited to share the goals that came out of the annual strategic plan process for the 2021-2022 year.

Executive Summary

On June 19, 2021, the Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners (VCNP), the statewide professional organization for all nurse practitioners licensed in Virginia, conducted its annual leadership retreat. More than 35 board members, committee members and others from the association gathered to discuss goals and accompanying strategies and tactics for VCNP’s four core pillars, Government Relations, Membership, Education and Public Relations. During the retreat, participants divided into small groups to review each committee’s SWOT analysis from 2020-2021 and provide feedback and input for the coming year. This information, combined with details of the previous year’s strategic plan, was used to develop VCNP’s 2021-2022 strategic plan. Below is a link to the list of committee goals that came out of those discussions.

2022-2024 Call for Nominations

VCNP Nominations for State Leadership
VCNP Awards Committee Chair,Kristen Johnson, MSN, RN, AG-ACNP-BC

VCNP Nominations & Awards Committee is seeking nominations for the 2022-2024 term for the following state positions: President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Are you interested in becoming part of the VCNP state leadership, or know someone who is? Complete a Nomination Form and email to by September 30.

If you have already submitted a nomination, you do not need to submit again.

The current Secretary and Treasurer have met their term limits and cannot serve a third term in their current position. However, they can be elected to serve in a different executive committee position, if nominated.

NOTE: THIS IS FOR THE STATE LEADERSHIP ONLY. Members will receive a request for the nominations for regional leadership from their regional Nominations & Awards representative, if their region is holding an election.

Fredericksburg Region VCNP Board Meeting 8/30/21

Planning a “Meet-your-NP” event, which has changed several times now due to rising Covid rates.

Talk to Samantha/Rachel about a “Yoga in the Park” session- meet your NP for October ( possibly 10/18/21). Mary Washington Park- bring water bottles, consider sticker labels with some NP info on the bottles, possibly small essential oil to give participants. Timmye will check with the “Scenter of Town” on the oils available. Linda will check with Rachel/Samantha on the yoga instruction.

Nominations to go out. We need a president elect after Rachel Farrar steps in as president.

Although we can’t be together in person, VCNP is committed to serving it’s members and providing member-exclusive benefits. We discussed CME options since we are unable to have a CME gathering locally. Also, the Legislative meeting this year will be postponed due to rising Covid numbers and restrictions on gatherings.

Piper suggested our local VCNP group send out the invitation she received from local endocrinology PA Scott Urquart for the 4th Annual Advanced Practice Collaborative virtual interactive conference to be held September 10-11, 2021.

A blast email invitation for the conference went out to the Mary Washington Healthcare PAs and NPs, as well as to all the VCNP members of the Fredericksburg Region including the code to cover the cost of the conference which was provided by Scott for all to use.

VCNP dues are due! Make sure your membership dues do not lapse!

Submitted 9/1/21 JPSF

VCNP Shenandoah Region May 2021 Meeting Minutes

VCNP-Shenandoah Region

May 2021 Meeting Minutes

May 20, 2021

Members in attendance:  Sarah Gibson, Monica Heck, Vicky Sullivan, Maretta Yoder, Heather Codding, Haley Tusing, Susan Adamson, Andrea Knopp, Amy Graham.  Virtual:  Lynne Poole

Meeting Location:  Vito’s Restaurant.  Harrisonburg, Virginia

Presentation:  Trauma Informed Care-What Providers Need to Know

Speaker:  Monica Heck DNP, FNP-C

Business Meeting:  

  1.  Future meetings were discussed. Plan for September 16 and November 18, 2021.  September meeting will likely be a drug rep sponsored dinner and the speaker in November is Rimma Wolfe- a pharmacist, topic TBD.  Locations TBD.
  •  Susan Adamson updated us on the opening of the new Free Clinic.  There have been 85 visits in the first 5 weeks!          
  •  Further discussion on ways to boost attendance at our meetings, including:  door prizes and NP student scholarships.  These topics will be further discussed with hope of finalizing plans at the next meeting. 

The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectively submitted.

Maretta Yoder, Secretary

In the News

VCNP members have recently been featured in a variety of news stories across the commonwealth and the nation. Congratulations on your recognition, and thank you for sharing the great work of NPs!

Distinguished NP Award recipient Kathleen Putnam, PhD, WHNP-BC, spoke with WDBJ about her NP career.

VCNP Rising Star Award recipient Brenda Kozak, FNP-C, was interviewed for a WFXR story about her recent recognition. –  

Deborah Gray, DNP, ANP-BC, FNP-C, FAANP, was recognized with ODU’s Provost Award for Leadership in International Education.

Susan Adamson, FNP, MSN, chair of the Blue Ridge Free Clinic’s Board of Directors, spoke with WHSV about the new clinic, which opened April 12.  

Deborah Gray, DNP, ANP-BC, FNP-C, FAANP, shared her experience with Shot@Life, a grassroots advocacy campaign to improve the health of children worldwide by increasing access to vaccines.

Teresa Tyson, DNP, FNP-BC, FAANP, and The Health Wagon were featured in a Wall Street Journal article about COVID vaccines reaching remote areas of the country. (

Eileen O’Grady, RN, NP, PhD, was interviewed on Good Morning Washington ( and quoted in a peer reviewed journal article ( 

Teresa Gardner, DNP, FNP-BC, FAANP, spoke to CBS News about how the Health Wagon is waiting for vaccines for patients in southwestern Virginia. 

Kathryn Reid, PhD, was interviewed about autonomous practice licensure in this Ask a Professor column.

Katie Page, CNM, MSN, FACNM, was quoted in a Virginia Mercury article about nurse midwives.

Olivia Newby, DNP, FNP-BC, CDE, FAANP, authored an op-ed that appeared in The Virginian-Pilot about HB 1737.