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Peninsula VCNP Business Meeting May 17, 2018
Questions about HB 793?
HB 793 passed in the General Assembly and was signed by Governor Northam! The next steps involve the Department of Health Professions (including the Boards of Nursing and Medicine) promulgating the regulations for how this bill will be implemented. As this process unfolds, you may have questions about what this bill might mean for you and your practice. Let us know your questions!
VCNP has created hotline is for the use of the members of the Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners, the professional organization representing NPs in Virginia. If you are not currently a member, we sincerely hope you will join us! Sign up today at and stay informed about what is happening for NPs in Virginia!
If you are a member, please log in and look for the “Questions about HB 793” link in the “Advocacy” section.
Peninsula Business Meeting January 15, 2018
HB 793 Update: Contact Senate Education and Health Committee Members NOW!
Contact the Senate Education and Health Committee Members now! It is possible that HB 793 could be heard as early as Tuesday, February 20. This is the stage, with the Senate Sub-Committee and full Senate Committee, at which we will be proposing amendments to HB 793. We want you to know and trust that we will not let Virginia be an outlier. We have the commitment of our patron that we will not move forward with the bill if it remains in its current form.
Tell the Committee members that you support HB 793!
Chairman Newman – – 804-698-7523
Richard Saslaw – – 804-698-7535
Louis Lucas – – 804-698-7518
Janet Howell – – 804-698-7532
Mamie Locke – – 804-698-7502
George Barker – – 804-698-7539
Richard Black – – 804-698-7513
Charles Carrico – – 804-698-7540
Chapman Peterson –– 804-698-7534
John A. Cosgrove – – 804-698-7514
Lynwood Lewis – – 804-698-7506
Siobhan S. Dunnavant – – 804-698-7512
Amanda Chase – – 804-698-7511
David Suetterlein – – 804-698-7519
Mark J. Peake – – 804-698-7522
- A reduction in hours requirements for the Transition to Practice program. This is a top priority for VCNP and its membership. We are working to educate our Senators that five full years of clinical experience requirements is excessive and has not been proven as a barometer for safe practice.
- Attestation will be a standardized form created by DHP with provisions for exceptions for NPs who may not be able to obtain the physician signature; for example, circumstances due to physician death.
- There is no provision for grandfathering NPs; however, existing experience will count towards years of experience qualifying for the transition time period. All eligible NPs will need to submit an attestation form to DHP to be able to practice unencumbered by the practice agreement requirement.
- Endorsement of NPs from other states will be considered under regulations with provisions for NPs from out of state to meet equivalent time requirements attested by a physician or other entity if the physician’s signature cannot be obtained.
- Removal of APRN titling because the definition excludes those early NPs whose educational programs granted certificates and not a master’s degree.
- Removal of redundant language from regulations restating provisions for periodic review of records, including site visits.
- Removal of language that NPs must have graduated from an educational program accredited by Commission on Collegiate Education, as this requirement has been met by virtue of licensure.
- Collaboration will be defined as to the degree of cooperation necessary to provide treatment and the collaboration is with MDs and other health care providers.
- Removal of language that NPs practice medicine.
2017 VCNP Scholarship Winner – Cindy Fagan
The Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners (VCNP) awarded a $2,000 scholarship to Cindy Fagan, DNPc, RN, FNP-BC, on Saturday, Nov. 4 during the Virginia Nurses Foundation Gala at The Omni Homestead Resort.
Fagan earned her BSN and MSN degrees from Virginia Commonwealth University and is currently a Doctorate of Nursing Practice candidate at the University of Virginia. Her anticipated graduation date is May 2018. Fagan’s nursing career spans 31 years, with 18 of those years spent in the nurse practitioner role.
“Cindy’s commitment to the veterans she works with and to her position here at VCNP are inspiring,” said Christine Daley, MN, RN, ANP, president of VCNP. “We look forward to seeing her continue to grow within this profession and this organization.”
With roles in primary care, hospitalist, endocrine, and infectious disease, Fagan has varied experience. She is currently settled in the Veterans Health Administration, having spent the past 12 years serving our nation’s veterans at the Hunter Holmes McGuire Medical Center. Fagan also serves as the government relations chairperson for VCNP and has also served as past-president of the statewide organization. Her responsibilities within that role are to advance VCNP’s mission and goals in terms of legislative initiatives including policy development, strategies and tactics, engaging member participation in advocacy activities, garnering stakeholder support, coalition building and coordination of legislative efforts throughout the state.
VCNP’s scholarship, which was awarded for the first time in 2010, honors nurse practitioners and their passion for quality health care. To date, VCNP has granted $9,000 in total to scholarship winners. The scholarship is funded through the generous membership participation of the basket raffle that occurs each year at the annual conference. Scholarship applicants must be members of VCNP who are enrolled in a doctoral program in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Applicants also must have completed 50 percent of the required hours of graduate study and exhibit academic excellence and a commitment to advanced practice nursing with strong clinical and leadership abilities.
Fredericksburg region VCNP meeting minutes 1/8/18
Any who are able to meet at Orofino’s 1/15/18 at 6:30 will be discussing and filling out nominations for awards to be submitted. Come with your ideas!
General info for NPs will be found at the ‘Care for VA’ website
Discuss philanthropy from the last meeting:
Suicide walk/ support Mental Health America.
Women’s heart month.
Fairy Godmother event.
Safe Harbor.
Senior Visitors.
Next meeting in February is at Brock’s. Bring your researched ideas for philanthropy to pitch to the group!.. Tiffany will bring Safe Harbor, Piper will bring Micah ministries.
Submitted 1/29/18 JPSF
2018 VCNP Awards: An Opportunity to Recognize an NP Who Inspires You
VCNP 2018 Awards Call for Nominations
DUE February 2, 2018
The VCNP is accepting nominations for the 2018 awards. The awards will be announced and presented to the recipients at the VCNP Conference in March. The awards available are:
- The Distinguished NP Award
- The Founder’s Award
- The Education Award
- The NP Advocate Award
All nominations must be received by February 2, 2018. The nominees must be a VCNP member in good standing. All members nominated must submit a letter of nomination describing how the nominee meets the purpose outlined for the award, a CV or Resume and supportive documentation are required by the VCNP member. All applications will be reviewed by the VCNP Nominations and Awards Committee. Final selections for the awards will be made by the Committee.
Education Award
This award is to honor a member who has demonstrated outstanding contributions to Nurse Practitioners in the areas of education and patient care. Nominees should demonstrate excellent initiative in one or more of the following categories: teaching and scholarship, student preceptorship, patient teaching, or community involvement.
Distinguished NP Award
This award is to honor a member who has exemplified or made contributions to the role of Nurse Practitioner. Nominees should demonstrate excellence and initiative in one or more of the following categories: clinical practice, research, leadership, and contributions to the VCNP at both local and state levels.
Founder’s Award
This award is to honor those who have founded, pioneered, or made significant historical contributions to the shaping of the organization of the Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners. This award will be presented on an as needed basis, but no more often than annually.
NP Advocate Award
This award is designed to honor an individual in the VCNP or the community at large for their contributions to the advancement of the practice of Nurse Practitioners. This nominee does not need to be a VCNP member. This person may be an NP, physician, hospital administrator, legislator, or anyone whom has assisted in the advancement of the NP or the NP profession.
Please Forward All Nominations to
Amy Sales at
Any Questions may be submitted to Becky Compton, Nominations and Awards Committee chair at
Peninsula Business Meeting 9-20-17
VCNP Peninsula Region Dinner Meeting May 17 2017
Events and Conferences
2025 Lobby Day | January 23, 2025
2025 VCNP Piedmont Pharmfest & Beyond
Tidewater Region February Membership Meeting
Bonus Event: Menopause Symptoms and Veozah
Tidewater Region March Membership Meeting
2025 VCNP Annual Conference
3/26/2025 - 3/29/2025