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Fredericksburg VCNP board meeting 8/16/16

Discussed service project/community event:  Breast cancer walk is 10/8- does that conflict with pharmacology day at Lewis Ginter Gardens?  Memory walk for Alzheimer’s is 10/15.  Fairy Godmother project gets together every 2 months to get meals together and cook in a group setting.  Mary’s shelter can always use donations of supplies.

Karen Hlywa will call Mary’s shelter to see what they need.  We will collect supplies at the September and October local meetings, letting members know gift cards are also welcome.  Our VCNP will also donate a one time check with the supplies.  The women’s forum will be held 3/2017 toward the end of the month.  We could have local NPs there(with our banner) to hand out pamphlets “what is an NP?” and consider raffling off a basket.


Hishani is working on our banner.  We are requesting a horizontal banner 72×24 inches for $69.00.  It will say VCNP Fredericksburg Region and have the VCNP logo on one side.


Brenda has meetings set up for September and October, consider taking a month off around the holidays.

Consider another “post-holiday” party like last year at the Idlewild clubhouse in January or February.


Discuss local conference in early May, a Friday, like May 5.  Cherie offered to do the CEU’s.  Piper will call the Fick center to see if we can use it for the event, and will report back at the next meeting.


Attendees:  Michelle Porthouse, Sherry Pemberton, Linda Hazelgren, Timmes Ross, Lisa Keel, Brenda Crum, Karen Hlywa, Cherie Wright, Tiffany Simmons, Piper Schlesser.

Fredericksburg VCNP meeting minutes 7/11/16

Introduction for new faces.

Looking for a new volunteer for the VCNP conference committee.  Linda Hazelgren is in that position now.

Looking for board members for next year.

Discuss ideas for community service projects:  T shirt “breast cancer survivor” example, memory walk, any walk.

The board will choose a service project at the meeting next month.

Discuss the Spring 2017 local conference.

We have 79 members now.

Discuss legislative reception in the fall.  Do it this year although we had one last year for the election year, or skip? Voted to skip this year, plan for next year.

Cindy Fagan’s email from the state asking if we want to join the VNA.  We voted against joining.

The Veterans Affairs wants to give full practice authority for all V.A. NPs.  They are accepting comments on the website until July 25.

Dues- please submit for this rotation by Sept 1.

Treasurer gave report.

Public relations chair discussed philanthropy ideas for our group.

August 8, next meeting  on Hereditary cancers at the Market.

Speaker regarding the Zoll Life Vest.


Submitted: 8/17/16 JPSF

Shenandoah Region General Meeting Minutes April 2016

VCNP-Shenandoah Region
Meeting Minutes
April 27, 2016


Members in attendance: Sue Klassen, Susan Adamson, Vicky Sullivan, Paige French, Barbara Call, Erin Morris, Pete Hill, Mary Atkins, Pamela Gipson, and Maretta Yoder.


Meeting location: Beyond Restaurant in Harrisonburg.


Meeting topic: What is “taxing” our practices?
The following issues were discussed:
1. Sentara RMH has switched to EPIC computer system; multiple members shared their frustration with adjusting to a new system and the need to still provide care for their patients.
2. Independent nurse practitioner practices and the resultant challenges.
3. Epidemic of substance abuse; challenges with providing pain management and risk of addiction in our patients. The seriousness of the responsibility that comes with writing narcotic prescriptions.
4. 2 nurse practitioner students were present and discussed the challenges with finding preceptor sites.
5. Paige French discussed RAM- remote area mission that will be taking place in Southwest Virginia the third weekend in July of 2016. Now accepting applications. Members were advised to let Paige know if they are interested in more information.
6. While discussing RAM- (#5) Pete Hill and Paige French expressed the importance of making sure our contracts have clauses regarding volunteer opportunities.
7. Paige French discussed a recent substance abuse conference that she attended at Virginia Commonwealth University.
8. Paige French and Erin Morris shared that they will be attending Board Meeting/Leadership training on May 14, 2016.


Tentative future meetings were planned:
August 2016- board meeting.
September 15, 2016- tentative plan to get a seasoned nurse practitioner to discuss her multiple roles as a provider or to discuss expectations of pre-op physicals. Depending on topic we may pursue getting CEU credits for this presentation.
October 13, 2016- tentative plan to have Paige French discuss substance abuse and the neurobiology of addiction.
February 9, 2017- tentative future meeting date.
April 13, 2017- tentative future meeting date.


The meeting was then adjourned.
Respectively submitted,
Maretta Yoder, Secretary.

Fredericksburg Regional VCNP meeting minutes from 1/11/16

There will be no regular meeting in February.  Instead we will be having a fabulous gathering on 2/20/16 from 11am-1 pm at the Idlewild Clubhouse (2280 Idlewild Blvd, Fredericksburg VA 22401).  NO business meeting, just a chance to get together, relax, chat, network and have post-holiday fun!  Bring a new member! Bring a student! Bring your great ideas for the Fredericksburg VCNP 2016 year to share!!

Catered hot and cold food will be provided, casual dress.

Sign up to attend the VCNP state conference at the Homestead in Hot Springs VA 3/9-12/16.

There will be a board meeting for VCNP officers at 6:30 on 1/27/16 at Poppy Hill in Fredericksburg.

Treatment for IBS discussion was presented by Dr Jack Huang, gastroenterologist.

Submitted 1/18/16 JPSF