Peninsula VCNP Business Meeting


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VCNP-Peninsula Region Business Meeting Minutes

November 18, 2015

  1. The meeting was opened by Janice Porter, President at 1930 pm. All were welcomed.
  2. Thanks to Susan Bonnewell from Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc. for sponsoring the dinner.
  3. Thanks to Dr. Martin Starkman, Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine, VCU Medical Center for speaking to us tonight on the topic of: Evaluation and Management of Hyponatremia in the Hospital Setting.
  4. New members were welcomed and recognized.
  5. Student members were welcomed and recognized.
  6. New Business
  7. Update from State VCNP:
  • State VCNP Leadership Retreat and Board meeting was September 19, 2015 in Charlottesville, VA. President Janice Porter and President Elect, Joan Benton, Chris Daly, State President Elect; Lisa Riha, State Secretary; and Denise Chernitzer, State Educational Committee Chair all from our region attended.  The focus was on increasing NP awareness, legislative issues, member recruitment and retention.  It was approved by vote that regions would receive $12.50 return for each student member. Members were encouraged to think about nominating a NP to be recognized by VCNP; categories for recognition were (distinguished NP, Education, NP advocate and Founder).
  • Lisa Riha is on ballot for position of State Secretary. She introduced herself and presented a brief overview of her goals if elected for this position.
  • National NP week was November 9-15, 2015. Proclamations from Newport News, Hampton, Williamsburg were read and acknowledged.  These written documentations were given to different members to place in their offices.
  • The new updated website has been launched and is mobile friendly.
  1. Food Bank Donation: $94 was collected and can goods and members donated perishable items.  The money and perishable items were divided equally between the H.E.L.P., Inc and The Peninsula Food Bank as agreed in the September meeting.   Thanks to all who donated.

Note: the position of secretary and historian will be combined as one position within the next year.

  1. Committee Reports:
  2. Secretaries Report: Hazel L. Ruff reported that minutes are posted on the website. Please review.
  3. Treasurers Report: Amber Stenson reported that the VCNP Peninsula region has $7296.16. The budget for 2014-2015 is available by request for any who are interested in seeing it
  4. Membership Report: Krystyna Caratachea reported that there are 102 active members. There are 20 members that have not renewed their membership.
  5. Government relations- Pam Biernacki reported about the specifics of the membership drive
    • increase the membership in each Region
    • Mark Coles-president and leadership are trying to have legislation passed that would allow the NP to practice with full capacity. No collaborating physician would be required.
    • A discussion was pursued pertaining to the recommendation that the VCNP Peninsula host a Legislative Reception or possibly collaborate with the Tidewater region. The president asked for volunteers to work on this recommendation.
  6. Conference- Marge Stuppy reported that the conference committee had completed the work on the Annual Conference to be held March 6-9, 2016 at The Homestead in Hot Springs, VA.  All members should have received notification via email or post mail.  Please try to attend.  If any one is interested –Registration for Poster Presentations can still be submitted.
  7. Public relations- Sharon Upright volunteered to create and facilitate a “FaceBook” page for VCNP –Peninsula. It was recommended that the Peninsula region could align themselves with other larger healthcare groups in already planned walks/runs in 2016 for NP week next year. This strategy could help our group to raise community awareness for NPs and our organization.
  8. Historian Report: Stephanie King reported that she was still collecting pictures and encouraged the members to submit items.


III. Old Business

  1. Still looking for persons to work with committees. Particularly Government Relations, Conference, and Public Relations. The President emphasized that it would be great if any member would like to work with a current officers/committee member to learn their roles.  She stated that members are needed to step up and serve on Executive Board that will be starting May 2016.  We especially need someone to think about serving as President- Elect .
  2. VCNP-Peninsula Region CD $3346.30 matured on 3/26/15. The CD was cashed-out and deposited in the checking account.   Kenny James from UBS financial service is a financial consultant and will be happy to discuss optimal utilization of our funds. UBS manages the State’s investments.   He has been contacted to make an investment.  Will plan to invest $1000.
  3. Note: Members recommended that funds from the CD be reinvested
  4. Constant Contact: Reminder to all that the email program that VCNP has chosen to use is Constant Contact.

Constant Contact is seen as spam by some servers.   Please set your spam settings to accept these messages.

  1. The State has selected a Malpractice Insurance carrier to partner with-Coverys- VCNP members will get a


  1. Reminder: VCNP now has a credit card available.
  2. 50/50 Raffle from September meeting-$58 was collected.
  3. Job Announcements: PT or FT position working with a pediatrician Dr. Laarni Bibay in Portsmouth, VA. Contact info is available if interested contact the president.
  4. Preceptor Requests/Opportunities: Pam Biernacki spoke briefly about VCU School of Nursing new program.


  1. Adjournment: Janice Porter adjourned meeting at 2000 pm. Please forward any information you may have for future meetings to Joan Benton.

Happy Holidays!

Next meeting January 20, 2016.  Location TBA. 

Respectfully submitted,

Hazel L. Ruff, Secretary