Piedmont Pharmfest


All Day

Event Type

Welcome to the Piedmont Pharmfest at the Boar’s Head Inn in Charlottesville, VA.
Click here for your registration information!

Click here to complete the program evaluation.

Click here to complete the speaker evaluations.

Questions? Please contact Kathryn Reid: kjb@virginia.edu

The members of the planning committee and each of the speakers for the PharmFest disclosed no financial relationships with any commercial entities that provide goods or services to patients.


1. Addressing Underlying mental Health Problems

2. Safe Weaning from Opioids

3. Outpatient Alcohol Detoxification

4. Obesity Medications

5. HTN in Patients with DM

6. HTN in Patients with Renal Disease

7. HTN in Patients with HF

8. Antibiotic Updates



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