UPDATE: VCNP Lynchburg Fall Conference, November 9 – CLOSED


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Centra Health Conference Center
1901 Tate Springs, Lynchburg, VA, 24501, Lynchburg

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UPDATE: VCNP Lynchburg Fall Conference, November 9 – REGISTRATION IS CLOSED.




VCNP Lynchburg Region appreciates your interest in our event. Be on the lookout next Fall for emails including details about our 2020 event.


APP Non-Opioid Rx for Pain Conference

Lynchburg Region Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners

November 9, 2019

7:30 AM Continental Breakfast

8-12:15 PM (3.5 CE/2.5 Pharm CE)

Catered lunch provided while visiting Vendors/Exhibitors

1-4:30 PM Joint Injection Workshop (3 CE/1 Pharm CE)


Centra Health Conference Center

1901 Tate Springs Lynchburg VA 24501


Welcome: President Dr. Amy Johnson and President Elect, Morgan McDowell 8:00-8:15AM

Keynote:  The Physiology and Psychology of Pain (Dr. Rosie Taylor-Lewis.5 CE/0 Pharm 8:15-8:45AM)

  1. Hemp and Marijuana: A Practical Review of Contemporary Clinical and Regulatory Perspectives Vince Ettare 8:45-9:45 1 CE Pharm*
  2. Botox for Migraines and Other Considerations Margaret Andrews 9:45-10:45 1 CE Pharm*
  3. Pharmacogenomics (PGX) testing: Taking Some of the Guess Work Out of Prescribing  Phyllis Everett and Dr. Rosie Taylor-Lewis 10:45-11:15 .5 CE Pharm*
  4. Dry Needling-What is it? Who are the best candidates? Jason Grandeo, PT, DPT 11:15-12:15 1 CE*
  5. **Joint Injection Workshop 1-4:30 PM Lindsay Painter, FNP and faculty Dr. Andrews & Dr. Taylor-Lewis (3 CE/ 1 Pharm CE)* PLEASE register for this separately.

*Pending VCNP/VNA approval of CE

**Additional workshop fee for those participants who choose to attend: Registration online at Eventbrite available $75.00 morning session for 3.5 CE/2.5 Pharm: REGISTRATION IS CLOSED.

$100 for joint injection 3 CE/1 Pharm. Total for AM / PM $175.00: REGISTRATION IS CLOSED.