Fredericksburg VCNP meeting minutes 8/13/18

Karen reminded everyone to pay their dues, which are now on a once a year rotation.

Bill 793 was signed, including the wording of 5,000 clinical hours with physician collaboration before being independent of that collaboration.

Please send money to the VCNP PAC to support our lobbyist and all the work they do on our behalf.

Philanthropy was discussed.  We have been invited again to a night of a thousand pies to support Empowerhouse.  Since the last meeting was so many months ago, no decision was made whether to donate a “scholarship” for a homeless person to go through training in food service with the Corner Café in Fredericksburg, or to support Empowerhouse.

A decision was made unanimously that we would donate to both:

$250 “Whoopie Pie” level to A Night of a Thousand Pies to support Empowerhouse, and $600 to Micah Ministries to sponsor one individual through the program to become certified in food service.  The motion was made by Timmye Ross, seconded by Michele Porthouse and agreed upon by all members present at the meeting.

Brenda has monthly meetings scheduled through January.

Linda Hazelgren has volunteered to be our president elect.


Submitted 8/19/18 JPSF