Presentation by Scott Urquart, PA of Endocrinology Associates on Rybelsus- Role of endogenous GLP-1 in T2DM.
VCNP renewal time is here!
Discussion of next group event: Yoga in the park had a good turn out last year and we have 3 potential yoga instructors we could ask to host a class again this fall.
We have open positions for board members for Government Relations and Meetings/education.
Our organization donated to Madonna House, apartments for the elderly, after they suffered a devastating fire. We gave 5 gift cards to the organization collecting for the residents for $50 each.
Upcoming philanthropy invitation to Night of 1000 Pies to support Empower House, a local domestic violence shelter. This event is at Dr Rosemary O'Grady's home 8/27/22 from 7-10pm. For our level of donation this year, we were given 4 tickets. Other individuals have tickets as well. Let Tiffany Simons know if you are interested in attending. There are also volunteer opportunities that evening to make sweet or savory pies for the event ahead of time, to help serve, help set up, or help with take down and clean-up.
For our past holiday winter meeting, we worked on assembling hygiene kits last year, which had a great turnout. Other suggestions were Oak Grove Baptist church food pantry/holiday donations of gift cards or gifts. We could assemble hygiene kits again, or are open to other suggestions.
submitted 8/14/22 JPSF