VCNP Peninsula Business Meeting 11/20/19

VCNP-Peninsula Region Business Meeting Minutes November 20, 2019 I. The meeting was opened by, Cheryl Reeser President -Elect at 1945. All were welcomed TOPIC: Psoriatic Arthritis Layers of Care, Exploring Options for Patients with Psoriasis, Psoriatic Arthritis of Hidradenitis Suppurative Presented by AbbVie Pharmaceuticals II. There were no new member present. a) New Business 1. Update from State VCNP: Cheryl Reeser, president-elect discussed these topics: a) Julie Lear is the new president elect b) Recommendations to increase membership in VCNP were discussed c) Continue to encourage inactive members to rejoin 2. Members should pay close attention to all emails and request for support. a). Tidewater Legislative Reception -This event is sponsored by the VNA Hampton Roads Chapter and the VCNP Tidewater and Peninsula Regions With support from: • National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners • Virginia Association of DNPs • American College of Nurse Midwives • American Association of Occupational Health Nurses b) Save the date “Pharmfest” is in January 2020 in Charlottesville-Piedmont Region 1. Committee Reports Secretary Report- Dr. Hazel Ruff stated that all the dinner minutes are posted on the website. Please review. 1. Treasurer’s report Amber Stenson present and reported that $13,379.99 is in checking account and $5.00 in saving’s account. CD account has $1406.53 • Budget 2019-2020 is available by request 2. Membership Report: Krystyna Caratachea reported that we are still trying to increase our membership. Encouraged members to recruit co-workers and students. We have 79 active members, there were 114. Members were encouraged to renew their membership. We have an active NP Facebook for current information. 3. Pam Biernacki was not present but President Elect Cheryl Reeser reiterated these discussions • Check the VCNP webinar for “Full Scope Practice” discussions. Autonomy Practice Applications are open, and information is available on the VCNP website. • She discussed the need for all NPs to consider supporting the PAC program. • Conference representative Julie Lear was present reiterated these discussions: The Annual March 4-7 2020 conference will be held in Norfolk VA. Pre-Conference is March 4, 2019. 4. The board positions are open for the next 2 years. See President Resser if you would like to volunteer. A. Public Relations- Stephanie King gave out gifts to all present to commemorate National NP week November 2019. B. Secretary- Dr. Hazel Ruff has volunteered to remain in this office D. Treasurer- Amber Stenson has agreed to stay in this office c) Old Business A. The executive board discussed and voted to continue to support The Hampton Roads Ecumenical Lodging and Provisions (H.E.L.P.) (food bank) and Peninsula Food Bank. The association will match the total monies collected in each business meeting and give as a donation to the two food banks. Treasurer, Amber Stenson will dispense the donations to the two food banks. B. Constant Contact: Reminder to all that the email program that VCNP has chosen to use is Constant Contact. Constant Contact is seen as spam by some servers. Please set your spam settings to accept these messages. C. The State has selected a Malpractice Insurance carrier to partner with-Coverys- VCNP members will get a discount. IV. Job Announcements: Check the for State jobs online V. Preceptor Requests/Opportunities: none Announcement: We will try to work on posting minutes in a user-friendly manner. Cheryl and Hazel will seek assistance from Amy Sales in the Richmond office. a) December Dinner Meeting “Antiviral for Influenza” b) January Dinner Meeting “COPD” January 15, 2020 Donation Collection: Amount collected December 18, 2019 $126 Matching funds from VCNP-Peninsula will be split 50\50 Peninsula Food Bank / H.E.L.P. Inc. VI. Adjournment: Cheryl Reeser adjourned meeting. Please forward any information you may have for future meetings to Jemecia Braxton or Cheryl Reeser. Post Business Meeting Topic: PAC (Political Action Committee) donation envelopes are on all the tables. Our goal is to raise $15,000 this year for political support to move NP friendly issues forward with the ultimate goal of Full Scope Practice. VCNP as a group cannot donate. All donations must come from individuals. Please consider a donation. Respectfully submitted, Hazel L. Ruff, Secretary